Ban on Curbside Debris to Become Law in Lavonia

Lavonia City council members will hear the second reading tonight of an amendment to their nuisance ordinance that changes what kind of debris the city will and will not pick up.

The amendment to the city’s nuisance ordinance will ban the dumping of debris at the curbside.  City manager Gary Fesperman  said debris left at the curb is clogging up the city’s sewer system.

“The storm water that’s collected off the roads and the streets collects in storm sewers, which become clogged with trash, debris, and grass clippings if it’s blown out into the street,” Fesperman said. “When you have a heavy rain event, all of this washes down and clogs up the storm system. Whenever that happens and if you  have a huge rain event, you have the potential for flooding streets and adjacent properties.”

In 2010, the city put a grass clipping policy into effect.  However, Fesperman said because it was only a policy, it could not be enforced.

He said the change to an actual ordinance was needed because of an increase in the number of landscaping companies doing business in town.

Violators of the new ordinance, Fesperman said, could be fined up to $500 per offense.  The policy becomes law after tonight’s second reading.  Tonight’s meeting takes place at 5:30p at Lavonia City Hall.