’60s Block Party Coming to Downtown Lavonia

There’s a happening this Saturday in Downtown Lavonia with a far-out, outta sight event for the whole family.

The Lavonia Downtown Development Authority is inviting you to take a trip – back to the days of peace, love, and bell bottoms at this weekend’s ‘60s Block Party.

DDA Executive Director Barbara Busby says they decided to have the block party as a way to mellow out since we’re all pretty bummed that summer is ending.

“We thought it would be fun to have a retro-type event downtown where everybody could dress up, play some oldies music, and just have one big end-of-summer bash before everybody gets back into the groove of school and work,” she explained.

So hey man, leave your pad, wear your vintage threads, granny glasses, and love beads, and cruise down to the Gazebo to hang out and listen to some groovy tunes, visit artists’ booths, and take part in a costume contest.

“We’re going to have a DJ for a couple of hours and then the oldies band, Second Time Around from noon to 2p,” Busby said. “There’ll be a costume contest at 10:30a; just a fun, competitive costume contest. We’ll have a tie-dye station so bring your t-shirt but we’ll also have a few for people to buy. There’ll be an art center for the kids and new this year Jumping With Us is coming with their Foamtastic, which is a 30′ x 30′ area blocked off and filled with non-toxic foam bubbles for the kids to play in.”

The ‘60s Block Party gets underway this Saturday at 10a and goes until 2p, and dig this, it’s free! Peace.