Franklin County Schools to Host Night of Champions for Special Ed Students

Plans are in the works for Franklin County Schools to host the first annual “Day of Champions.”

According to School Superintendent Chris Forrer, the Day of Champions next month will be a day to celebrate the achievements of the system’s students with disabilities.

“Our Night of Champions will be March 2nd, from after school to 5:30p. It’s geared for our students with disbilities. We’ll have our sports teams come out and our cheerleaders and maybe a pep band. We’ll have food and ice cream and we’re basically going to celebrate them and have a great time. We invite the public to attend,” he said.

The event, Monday, March 2nd, will be held in the Franklin County High School Gym.

Students participating will have the opportunity to run drills with the basketball teams, practice wrestling moves, and learn cheers and stunts from the cheer squad.

Participants will also receive Day of Champions swag bags, which will include Day of Champions T-shirts.

Forrer said they plan to make Day of Champions an annual event.

“This is the first annual Night of Champions. So we saw it down in another county and we kind of stole the idea. We just want to lift our students up and have everyone have a good time,” Forrer said.

Forrer noted since there is no district budget for an event like this, the school system is seeking sponsors for the event.

He said they are asking Franklin County businesses to consider making a $100 sponsorship donation to help this population of students enjoy a fun event with their peers.

Businesses who sponsor the event will have their company logo printed on the back of the T-shirts.

The estimated budget for the Day of Champions is $2,000.

If you would like to become a sponsor you can contact Teresa Bruce, Franklin County Schools’ Parent Mentor in the Special Education Department at: 706-384-4554 Ext: 11351.