Royston’s New City Manager Details First Week on the Job

Royston’s new City Manager says his first week on the job has been a challenge.

In his first official report to the Roystn City Council Tuesday evening, Ed Andrews said he’s spent most of the week sorting through the mounds of paperwork that has been piling on his desk since the City Manager resigned.

“Last Tuesdsay was my first day in, as everybody is aware,” he said. “I’ve been gathering all the information that was left from the previous manager. I am now prioritizing what was done, what was not done, what is left to be done, and what we have going on now.”

Andrews said there is currently only a couple of project in the works.   The other is a repaving project.

“A couple of other projects include getting a bid for Old Elbert St.,” he said. “We do need to receive a couple of more bids as far as the paving process goes. That needs to take place over the next couple of weeks so that we can actually begin resurfacing that now before we get into mid-November.”

Another major project is the expansion of the City’s gas line down Bold Springs Road.  Andrews told the council the roof on the Downtown Development Authority’s Welcome Center also needs repair.  Andrews said he has also issued an email to city department heads detailing new procedures.