Voters in Five Counties to Decide on District Attorney Today

One of the more hotly contested races voters in Franklin Hart, Elbert, Madison and Oglethorpe Counties are deciding on today is for District Attorney for the Northern Judicial Circuit.

Incumbent DA Parks White is being challenged by Elbert County defense attorney Richard Campbell.

In a recent political forum in Franklin County, White said he wants to continue the work his office has begun to reduce crime in the five-county Northern Judicial District, and he pointed out burglaries in Franklin County have been reduced dramatically since he took office.

“Since I’ve been your DA here, Franklin County is as safe as it’s ever been,” Parks told the group. “There’s been a 72% reduction in burglaries from where they were four years ago. This County was falling apart, but thanks to the hard work of Sheriff Steve Thomas, his dedicated deputies and his investigators working collaboratively with the DA’s office, we have virtually brought an end to crime in Franklin County.”

White noted his office has gotten guilty verdicts in almost every case tried in Franklin County.

“I’m asking for your support so we can do it again,” he said. “We’re this close. We’re winning the war.”

Campbell said he wants to be the District Attorney to stop what he calls fiscal irresponsibility in the DA’s office.

“One of the reasons that I am running for District Attorney is because I want to bring fiscal responsibility back to this office,” Campbell explained. “I will work within the budget set by your commissioners. And I will focus financial resources and the energy of the office to prosecuting felony cases.”

Campbell said the former DA Bob Lavendar worked within a $119,000 annual budget, but that White had raised the budget to $145,000.

When White took office, he came before each of the five county commission boards asking for extra funds to bring the DA’s office into the 21st century by updating the phone lines, bringing in new computers and computer software and streamlining the discovery process.

During the public forum, White noted many of the improvements he has made in the DA’s office were at his own expense.

Campbell also charged there is a larger backlog of felony cases still waiting to be tried in Elbert County than when White took office – a charge White took issue with.

“That’s a flat out lie,” White countered. “If you want to see the numbers, I have them right here. The numbers are in my hand, they come from our system and they can’t be rigged or manipulated in any way. The numbers in Elbert County are the lowest they’ve ever been. We’re almost done in Oglethorpe County. We really wish that more cases would be put on the list for trial.”

Campbell also charged White has a combative nature and refuses to work with defense attorneys.

“The second thing is his combative nature,” Campbell asserted. “And that is, if you try to discuss the case, you’re in for confrontation. Sit down with the attorneys, work the cases out and the system will move more quickly.”

But White said the job of the District Attorney’s office is to prosecute criminals, not placate defense attorneys.

“If you have a family member, a loved one, your daughter who’s been abused, do you want someone who’s going to work it out with the defense or do you want someone who’s going to get in and fight because that’s what we’re here for.” White said. “We’re not here to make friends with defense attorneys. We’re not here to make friends with bondsmen or any member of the criminal defense bar. We’re here to represent law enforcement and do our best to fight crime and fight for you.”