Two More Town Hall Meetings Today on Franklin County FY16 Budget

Attendance was light at both town hall meetings Tuesday

Attendance was light at both town hall meetings Tuesday

Just a reminder if you missed the Franklin County town hall meetings Tuesday regarding the proposed FY2016 budget and the County’s plan to raise the millage, you have two more chances today get the full story.

Franklin County Manager Beth Thomas will hold two more sessions today at 10a and again at 7a at the Rocky Ford Recreation Center in Carnesville.

Franklin County’s proposed fiscal 2016 budget is just over $13.2 million , up from this fiscal year’s budget of $11.8 million.  Thomas said unless the millage is raised, the County will have a budget shortfall of $1.3 million in FY16.

She is recommending a millage increase from the current 8.14 mills to 11.13 mills in order to replenish the County’s reserve funds and to fund some major projects and expenses in fiscal 2016.

Thomas said over the past five years the County has adjusted as the property tax revenue fluctuated.

Three public hearings will also be held for citizens to ask questions or voice their opinions and concerns about the next fiscal budget.

Two public hearings will be held next Tuesday, June 23 at 10a and again at 6p at the Justice Center in Carnesville.

A third public hearing will be held on the evening of June 30th just before the Franklin County Board of Commission work session.

The Board will then vote to pass the budget during their work session.  Franklin County’s fiscal year begins July 1.