Toccoa Fiscal Year 2015 Budget is in Place



The city of Toccoa has its Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget in place.
City commissioners unanimously approved the budget Tuesday.

Toccoa Mayor Gail Fry said she is pleased with how the budget came together.
“I feel comfortable about the budget,” said Fry. “We met with all of the department heads and we met with our city manager. We discussed all the needs of the employees. We feel good about what we have done. We have had a good year financially. We feel good about it.”
The city’s Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget plans for no changes in the city’s millage rate or its utility rates.
It totals just under $33.91 million for all funds, including both operating funds and special revenue funds like SPLOST.

That represents an increase of nearly $1.68 million from the Fiscal Year 2014 budget.
However, about $1 million of that increase is due to the addition of $1 million in SPLOST VI revenue in the upcoming fiscal year that is not in the current fiscal year because SPLOST VI collections do not start until Fiscal Year 2015.

City officials have said other budget increases are due to the pool project and pay increases for employees.
Fiscal Year 2015 starts on July 1.