Toccoa City Commission Approves Modified Yard Sale Ordinance

By Charlie Bauder, WNEG Radio, Toccoa

People used to selling their items on the main streets in Toccoa are no longer be able to do so.

At their regular meeting Monday, city commissioners unanimously approved a new yard sale ordinance after making some big changes to the original proposal.

The original ordinance, proposed by commissioner Gail Frye would have required homeowners wanting to hold a yard sale at home to get a permit.

It would have also limited the number of yard sales a resident of Toccoa could have to only four a year and placed limits on where in a person’s yard, items could be placed.

Under the new plan, all of that has been removed.

The new yard sale ordinance now basically addresses people holding sales in parking lots and commercial spaces along Big A Road and Currahee St., the two main arteries in Toccoa.

Under the ordinance, those types of sales are banned unless it’s being put on by a non-profit charity with the business or property owner’s permission.

Toccoa city commissioner Gail Fry says the change comes after the commission heard  feedback from the public.

“The main bone of contention with everybody does seem to be the commercial properties on Big A Road and Currahee (Street),” said Fry. “We had people call and say ‘This lady next door to me is having a yard sale every week. She has one every day.’ That is why we talked about initially (limiting yard sales to) four times a year and all that, but listening to people right now, if it is okay, right now we can just address commercial properties.”

Other commissioners, including Terry Carter, say they feel the change to the ordinance represents a good compromise.

“I am pleased that this particular ordinance has taken out residential requirements,” said City Commissioner Terry Carter. “I think we can all agree that our main concerns were what was happening, that developed up and down Big A Road and commercial areas. I think this adequately addresses that without reaching too far into residential sections.” – See more at:
“I am pleased that this particular ordinance has taken out residential requirements,” said Carter. “I think we can all agree that our main concerns were what was happening, that developed up and down Big A Road and commercial areas. I think this adequately addresses that without reaching too far into residential sections.”

The ordinance took effect immediately after Monday’s vote, but there is a grace period until August 1st.