Springview Heights Community Celebrates Juneteenth With Festival Saturday

Juneteenth is Wednesday and in Lavonia, the Juneteenth Festival.

According to organizers, the festival will also pay homage to the pioneers, pillars, and founders who built the Historic Springview Heights Community.

Families in Springview Heights are working on providing their family histories which will be displayed in the Springview Heights Gym.

Sponsored by Apostle Linda Barnes BKA, the Juneteenth Festival takes place from 11a to 4p at the Springview Heights Gym and will include special music, food, and other activities for the kids.

Additionally, a host of special guest speakers are lined up.

They include:

  • Mastor of Ceremonies: Pastor Lawrence Johnson
  • Dr. Olivia Watkins
  • Jerome Mayfield
  • Demario Mayfield, Sr.
  • Rod Farron
  • Minister Patsy Watkins and
  • Prophet Bejamin Williams

Juneteenth is an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers in Galveston, Texas announced slaves were free — two years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.

The day has been celebrated by African-Americans every year since and has become a State and Federal holiday.