Sign Up Now for Boating Safety Class Coming in June

People are already out on boats and personal watercraft on Hartwell Lake in anticipation of the long Memorial Day weekend and that means lots of new visitors to the lake, new boat owners, and novice boaters.

And that’s one reason why the local chapter of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 24 is holding a boating safety class next month.

The class will be held June 22 beginning at 9a in the Adult Learning Center of the Hartwell Public Library on Benson St.

Larry Cole is a former Commander of the local chapter of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and will teach the class along with one other Auxiliary member.

Typically in the spring/ summer months, visitors begin to converge on Lake Hartwell and many are novice or inexperienced boaters.

Cole says it’s very important inexperienced boaters take a boater safety class, especially because of the different kinds of watercraft typically on the lake.

Cole said topics will include boating law, safety equipment, boating emergencies, and Georgia and South Carolina regulations.

You may already consider yourself an experienced boater and have driven boats on other lakes, but according to Cole, if you are new to Lake Hartwell you should not assume boating will be the same on Hartwell as on other lakes.

For one thing, Cole said Lake Hartwell is considered a “navigatable” lake.

Cole said this is a certified class and most insurance providers will give a boat owner a discount if they can prove they’ve taken the class.

The limit is 25 per class and there are still openings for the Saturday class available.

Cost is $35.00 per person. $45.00 per couple if they share their book.

Remember that most boat insurance companies do offer a discount for completing the course.

People attending the class are also advised to bring a “working lunch” since the class is expected to last until around 5p.

To register or for more information on the boating safety class this Saturday put on by the Coast Guard Auxiliary, you can contact Cole at (706) 714- 714-7049 or email him at [email protected].