Scott Andrews Outlines Goals As Incoming Franklin County Sheriff

There’s a new Sheriff in town…or there will be come January.

Voters in Franklin County overwhelmingly chose Scott Andrews as their new Sheriff Tuesday night.

Andrews will take the reins in January from current Franklin County Sheriff Steve Thomas who retires at the end of the year.

Dozens of supporters gathered Tuesday night at the Carnesville Community Center, including Andrews’ former boss Hart County Sheriff Mike Cleveland, to wait for the run-off results in his race against Brian Stovall.

When all was said and done, Andrews won over Stovall by a vote of 2,499 or 57% to Stovall’s 1,898 or 43%

On Wednesday, Andrews said he’s grateful to God and to those who supported him during the campaign.

One of the planks of Andrews’ platform was the idea of community policing where deputies would be assigned beats – that is, a certain section of the County that they would patrol and become familiar with.

Another issue on the minds of citizens is the increasing problem of drug trafficking, which often leads to other crimes, such as petty theft, domestic violence, and even gang activity.

Andrews said his department will have a “no tolerance” policy when it comes to drugs and drug trafficking.

Andrews said he will soon begin the process of organizing his department and will be making those announcements in the coming weeks and months.

Andrews will be running unopposed in the November General Election.