Royston Will Bid Out Proposed Gas Line Expansion

The City of Royston will bid out a proposed gas line expansion.

At their regular meeting earlier this month, the city council and mayor discussed the best way to finance the project.

Royston Gas is planning to expand its service to include poultry farms along Bold Springs Road in the county.

Under consideration were two options.

The first, was to contract the entire project out at a cost to the City of $994,995.

The second project would use city workers to help complete the extension at a cost of $644,995.

Councilman Lee Strickland recommended the city go with the second option, but it would require purchasing some extra equipment.

“The only thing here, we’ll have to purchase a trailer with a reel on it to lay that pipe. Previously, we are borrowing one right now from the city of Hartwell. If we take on this project, obviously, it’s going to a be a six month project.”

Strickland said it would also cost about $10,000 to pay an engineer to bid out the project.

Councilman Keith Turman agreed trying to do the project in-house would be more cost effective.

“I would also like to say, too, that if it was contracted out at almost a million dollars, that could be done in about three months as opposed to doing it ourselves, which is about six months. But, still, those three months of savings, it would be a little over $100,000, I think it would be well worth it, if we could do it.”

After more discussion, the council voted unanimously to bid the project out and purchase the necessary equipment to do the project inhouse.

The project is expected to take about six months to complete.