Royston DDA Selling Banners to Honor Veterans

Royston’s Downtown Development Authority has come up with a plan to honor veterans on Veterans Day.

At the Royston City Council meeting, DDA Executive Director Michael Crump said the DDA is holding a special fundraiser to purchase banners to hang downtown.

Crump said he got the idea from a town in Alabama where it has been very popular with citizens.

He added that participation in the veteran banners is for everyone but you do need to send in a photo of the veteran along with your donation and form.

Photos must be of the veteran alone, no group shots, and no full-body shots.

Also, you are asked to send the highest-resolution photo you have.

Crump said the photo doesn’t have to be a special size; the designer will resize and crop photos as needed.

You can send photos in as a .jpeg, .png, or PDF and include the name of the veteran and the branch of the military they served in.

Crump added that he plans to put the banners on lamp posts downtown including along Railroad Park.

Additionally, the DDA he said has ordered lights that will wrap around the poles downtown.

The deadline to pick up an order form for the veteran banners is the end of September as it will take about three weeks to get them shipped to Royston.

If you need more information, you can contact the Royston DDA office at 706-245-7577.