Royston Councilman plays a part in state legislation

Royston Councilman Keith Turman (flanking Gov. Nathan Deal to the left) is shown as Gov. Nathan Deal signs SB 369 into law.

On September 8, 2016, Governor Nathan Deal announced a law enforcement reform package which included salary increases of twenty percent for state law enforcement officers, effective January 1, 2017. As a follow-up, on May 24, 2017, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle announced the Compensation of Police and Sheriffs (COPS) Task Force to partner with local governments and law enforcement agencies to examine the importance of attracting and retaining experienced officers and address reforms in compensation.

The Lt. Governor appointed three GMA members to the COPS task force, Keith Turman of Royston, Linda Blechinger of Auburn and Terrell Jacobs of Douglas.

These members were extremely vocal during the task force meetings to ensure the other committee members understood GMA’s support for local law enforcement but opposition to a state-mandated minimum wage for local law enforcement. GMA reinforced the belief that because of variances in population, size and fluctuating socio-economic conditions and the fact that local governments differ in terms of employment, capacity, and economic ability, local law enforcement salaries should be determined by respective local governments.

The final report of the COPS Task Force played an important role in the public safety policy process. The recommendations that were approved by the COPS Task force shaped legislation that was considered by the legislature during the 2018 legislative session.

The only bill out of the four bills approved by the task force that made it through the legislative process and has been signed by the governor is Senate Bill 369 which requires local governments to submit five dollars of each fee collected from pre-trial diversion programs to the Police Officers’ Annuity Benefit (POAB) fund.

The fees collected and allocated to the POAB will allow the fund to be more sustainable by giving the fund a new stream of income used for retirement and disability payments that are provided through the POAB. It is the Lieutenant Governor’s desire for the task force to continue discussing other ways to provide resources to members of law enforcement.

Royston Councilman Keith Turman will be our guest this Sunday for the weekly Community Forum segment. Turman will discuss his path to the Royston political scene as well as his involvement in the Georgia Municipal Association.