Royston City Council to Vote on FY16 Budget Tonight

Royston’s City Council will hear from citizens tonight at a special public hearing regarding their FY2016 budget.

It is the last public hearing before the Council is expected to approve the budget at their regular meeting after wards.

Royston City Finance Director Gloria Brown says the FY16 budget is only slightly higher than this year.

“This year, we’re up about 5%, but as you know that is driven by higher gas prices and the economy,” Brown said. “This year we’re at $7-million. So, we’re looking at $2.3 million for General Fund, close to a million for water and sewer, $3.3 million for the gas fund and $314,000 for sanitation.”

Brown said the City is not planning any new special projects in Fiscal 2016, but she said they are continuing to work on a number of existing and ongoing projects, primarily in the downtown area.

“We have several projects in mind for this year,” she said. “Of course it will depend on funding and we do have SPLOST funds left. But we are hoping the Streetscape funding come about this year. Also the depot renovation is coming along and we do have the LMIG projects on road paving.”

As for whether the City Council plans to raise the millage or keep it the same in FY16, Brown said the Council will decide that later.

“I really can’t answer that. Council will have to do that once we see the figures from all three counties when the tax assessments come in. It’s usually November or December before we get the figures from all three counties,” Brown explained.

Tonight’s public hearing in Royston takes place at 6:15 at Royston City Hall.  That will be followed by the City’s regular meeting at 6:30p at which time the Council is expected to approve the budget.