Royston City Council Meets for Work Session Tonight

The Royston City Council and Mayor are also holding a work session this evening at Royston City Hall.

The Council and Mayor expect to hear from department heads on planned and future projects for 2024 as well as from the City Manager.

Among the topics for discussion include a status update from Royston Police Chief Donnie Boleman as well as a status report on the Royston Fire Department and future projects from Matt Elrod.

Also Michael Sanders with the Water Sewer Department will be discussing 2024 projects.

Other department heads the Council expects to hear from include Travis Quarles with the Gas Department, Patrick O’Brian with the Street Department, and Michael Crump with the Royston Downtown Development Authority.

The work session will end with a wrap-up from City Manager Sharleen Ayers.

The Royston City Council work session begins at 5:30p tonight at Royston City Hall and is open to the public.