Operation Zero Tolerance in Full Swing in Georgia

Just a reminder if you’re heading out to travel to relatives today or planning to attend yet another Christmas party, Operation Zero Tolerance is in full swing on the roadways of Georgia.

That means local law enforcement is already out in force making sure you’re buckled up and driving sober.

Georgia’s holiday impaired driving campaign coincides with the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over program.

This is a time when state and local law enforcement will be on the lookout for those drivers who exceed the legal .08 BAC limit, thereby putting themselves and everyone around them at risk.

Lavonia Police Captain Michael Schulman reminds motorists to take extra care while traveling over the holidays.

“Statistics show the holiday season is very dangerous in Georgia and across the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 33, 780 people were killed in traffic crashes across the country in 2012. The state of Georgia had 1,192 of those fatalities, and 25% were alcohol related.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports the holiday season is a particularly deadly time due to the increased number of drunk drivers on the road.

Schulman advises motorists to plan ahead before getting on the road.

”If you plan to drink this holiday season, there are a few simple steps to get home safely. Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin, before drinking designate a sober driver, and if you are impaired use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member or use public transportation.”

If caught, drunk drivers in Georgia will face jail time, and/or the loss of their driver’s licenses, higher insurance rates, and dozens of other unanticipated expenses ranging from attorney fees, court costs, car towing and repairs, to lost wages due to time off from work.