New Royston City Manager Updates Council on First Four Weeks On the Job

New Royston City Manager Lanier Dunn has given his first report to the City Council and it’s clear he has a lot of ground he wants to cover.

At their meeting Tuesday evening, Dunn outlined areas he’s started working on since he took over the office and projects he expects to address by the end of the year.

Dunn thanked the Council and Mayor Keith Turman for his new role and commended staff for the way they were able to hold down the fort during the time between his predecessor and his start date.

Dunn said he’s currently getting ready for the auditors coming this fall and he’s met with department heads to go over capital projects that are in process such as the sewer wastewater treatment plant project.

Additionally, he has begun working with the City Clerk to learn the new tax digest software and has published the ad for a new police chief.

Dunn commended the City for its new accounting and financial software but said he wants to go over with department heads the policies and procedures for making departmental purchases.

Dunn added that next month he will be working with engineers on the new wastewater treatment plant upgrades.

Dunn said another area he wants to address is the nuisance ordinance as it applies to dilapidated properties.

Looking ahead to the fall, Dunn said he plans to begin work on the next fiscal budget.

Dunn said over the past four weeks he’s learned that the City of Royston has a lot of assets and potential for growth not only for citizens but for its customers.

Next month, he said he plans to also have a written report available for the Council and Mayor.