Long Makes History in Franklin County As First Female Commission Chair

Starting in January, Franklin County will have a number of new people in leadership positions and one of them will be Courtney Long as the new County Commission Chairperson.

Tuesday, voters selected Courtney Long as the new County Commission Chair in the run-off election.

Long, who currently serves on the Fr. Co. Planning & Zoning Board, has long been active as a citizen in the major issues facing the County.

This was the second time she ran for a county office but with her win in Tuesday’s run-off, it will be the first time Franklin County has had a female County Commission Chair. After her win Tuesday evening, Long thanked everyone who voted for her.

Long ran on a platform of balanced government that preserves the county’s agricultural heritage but also moves the county forward economically.

However, she said that in order to accomplish those goals everyone must work together.

Long will run unopposed in the November General Election.