Lavonia Housing Authority, City Council Honor Ruth Davis, Margaret Ayers

The Lavonia Housing Authority honors two former board members.

At their meeting Monday evening, the Council approved the appointment of Dusty Morgan and Thurley Mangrum to replace two long-standing Housing Authority Board members, Ruth Davis and Margaret Ayers.

After voting to appoint Morgan and Mangrum, the City Council also approved two memorial citations to honor the long service of both Miss Davis and Miss Ayers.

Ruth Davis served as a Board member since 1995 and Margaret Ayers had been on the Housing Authority Board since 1997. Both served until they passed this year.

After hearing the reading of the two memorial citations by Mayor Courtney Umbehant, the Council voted unanimously to approve both.

Afterward, Lavonia Housing Authority Director Ricky Whitworth said both Ruth Davis and Margaret Ayers were invaluable assets to his Board.

Ruth Davis passed away on October 2 of this year at the age of 99.

A week later, Margaret Ayers passed away on October 10 at the age of 96.

In addition to their work on the Housing Authority Board, both had been very active in several other civic organizations and boards in Lavonia and in the County.