Lavonia Elementary School Taken off List of Schools Needing State Support

Fifty-seven schools in Georgia have made the improvements necessary to be taken off the list of schools needing CSI or TSI support and Lavonia Elementary School is one of them.

Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states are required to identify schools in need of additional support – in Georgia, these designations are referred to as CSI and TSI.

This year, 116 schools were identified for Comprehensive Support & Improvement and 59 were identified for Targeted Support & Improvement.

None of those schools were in Franklin, Hart, or Stephens counties.

Identification for CSI or TSI support does not mean a school is not improving or making progress.

Typically, schools are identified for Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) if they are among the lowest-performing 5% of Title I schools in the state when ranked according to their three-year CCRPI average or when they have a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate less than or equal to 67%.

However, Georgia updated its CSI entrance criteria for 2022 based on data limitations resulting from the pandemic.

Under the updated criteria, elementary, middle, and high schools are selected based on a staged identification process.

TSI schools fall into one of the following categories:

▪ Consistently Underperforming Subgroup: The school has at least one subgroup performing in the lowest 5% of all schools in at least 50% of CCRPI components.
▪ Additional Targeted Support: Among all schools identified in the “Consistently Underperforming Subgroup” category, the school has at least one subgroup that is performing in the lowest 5% of schools in all CCRPI components.

The Georgia Department of Education’s Office of School Improvement works directly with CSI schools and provides assistance to help them improve the educational outcomes of their students.

School districts are charged with providing supports to TSI schools, while the state provides professional learning and targeted technical assistance.