Lavonia Continues 2024 “Kindness” Initiative With Volunteer Reading at the Library

The City of Lavonia is continuing with its 2024 Kindness Initiative and for the month of April. City leaders will be working with the Lavonia Carnegie Library according to Mayor Courtney Umbehant reading to children.

Umbehant announced the project at their recent City Council meeting.

Tuesday, Mayor Umbehant will be reading to children at 4p and also telling them about what the Mayor’s job involves.

Then on Friday, April 19, officers with the Lavonia Police Department will read to children at 4p.

They’ll also have some official police vehicles there for the kids to see.

And finally, on Wednesday, April 24, Lavonia Utility workers will be reading to the kids.

And they will also have official city vehicles at the Library for the children to see.

In January, Umbehant announced the year-long Kindness initiative.

He said he wanted a kindness initiative for 2024 because people in general have allowed the issues and problems in our country and world to affect their behavior.

Umbehant said no one is perfect and we need to remember that everyone has problems and issues they’re facing.

As part of spreading kindness, each month in 2024 the City of Lavonia is focusing on areas where people can help others in some way.