Lavonia City Council Working on IGA With Industrial Building Authority

The Lavonia City Council continues to work on establishing an Economic Development Commission that will aid the city in future economic planning and growth.

Currently, the City is working on an intergovernmental agreement with the Franklin County Industrial Building Authority.

It is hoped that the IGA if approved, will help Lavonia’s Economic Development Commission in its planning efforts.

The Council was to have voted on the IGA at their meeting Monday but pushed that decision back to February according to Mayor Courtney Umbehant.

The Mayor noted that the City already works with the Industrial Building Authority but the IGA, if approved, would create a legal avenue for the two entities to work together.

In other agenda items Monday, Lavonia City Councilman Jeremy Madden was sworn in as Mayor Pro-tem, Mayor Courtney Umbehant was also sworn in for another four-year term and Councilman Eddie Floyd also took the oath of office for another four years.

Councilman Andrew Murphy was sworn in on Tuesday.

The City Council also approved a plan to hold an auction to sell off five city vehicles and one vehicle confiscated by the Police Department several years ago as part of a burglary investigation.

Also, City Manager Charles Cawthon said some items and equipment left by the Moose Lodge members when they left will also go on the auction block.

Cawthon did not announce a date and time for that auction.