Lavonia City Council Votes for Pay Raise

Beginning January 2014, members of the Lavonia City Council and the mayor will be getting a pay raise.

At their regular meeting Monday night, councilman Harold Harbin noted the council had not had a raise since 2002 when the pay for each member was raised to $200 a month and the mayor’s salary was raised to $500 a month.

Harbin said after looking at how other similar size municipalities in Georgia pay their elected officials, he decided it was time for another pay raise for Lavonia’s city council and mayor.

“Here we are ten years later and I believe we should at least consider it,” Harbin said. “I’d like to make a motion that we increase the council’s pay to $400 per month and the mayor’s pay would increase to $1,000 per month.”

In his motion, Harbin also asked that the pay for called meetings would remain at $200 per month per council member and that the policy of no pay for work sessions would also remain the same.

Harbin’s motion was seconded by councilman Eddie Floyd, but councilman David Howell said he is against the idea.

“I just feel like this is not the time to be talking about doubling the council’s salary,” Howell said.

Still the vote, passed 3-1 with Howell voting no. Mayor Ralph Owens did not vote, but said he is also against the idea.

City attorney John Dickerson said however, before the raises can go into effect, the decision must also be advertised.

“We will have to advertise this three times and then you will have to re-consider this in June,” Dickerson said. “It has to all be done before qualifying.”

Qualifying for two seats on the Lavonia City Council is set for the end of August.   The election is in November.