Lavonia City Council Considers Creating “Entertainment District” Downtown

The City of Lavonia is looking at creating an entertainment district in the downtown area.

At the City Council work session Tuesday, the Council and Mayor Courtney Umbehant discussed the idea.

An entertainment district was brought up by Downtown Development Authority Director Barbara Busby.

Busby tells WLHR News it’s a way for people to enjoy an event downtown and still enjoy their beer or wine.

Busby said the Linger Longer in Lavonia concept is modeled on similar ideas such as Sip N Strolls in neighboring towns.

The City of Toccoa hosts a number of downtown events in the spring and summer months such as the Ida Cox Music Festival and Taste of Toccoa. Both allow people to bring their beer or wine with them to the event.

In Lavonia, the first upcoming event in the Spring will be the Lavonia Boat Show.

Busby said the key is being responsible if you’re going to drink at an event and as you heard, the Lavonia Police will be on hand to keep the peace.

City Manager Charles Cawthon said the Council is expected to vote on the entertainment district at their February meeting.