Lavonia City Council Approves New Downtown Entertainment District

Lavonia now has a new downtown Entertainment District.

At their meeting Monday evening, the City Council voted in favor of the Entertainment District ordinance.

Before the vote, the Council and Mayor heard from City Attorney Jay Doss who gave them a brief summary of the new ordinance.

Under the terms of the ordinance, the Entertainment District will consist of an area from West and East Main Sts., to just beyond Grogan St. And from Vickery St. to Hwy 17. It will allow people to carry alcoholic beverages during downtown events, such as the upcoming Lavonia Boat Expo.

Only beer and wine will be allowed to be carried inside the Entertainment District and only from establishments inside the District that sell beer and wine.

The beer or wine must be carried in specially designated clear plastic cups with the City’s logo on the side that are no bigger than 16 oz.

The plastic cups are disposable and can only be used once; they may not be taken home and reused again and again. To prevent reuse the cups will be labeled by the establishment with the date purchased.

Those establishments selling beer or wine by the glass must continue to check for IDs to make sure the purchaser is 21 or older.

Additionally, any restaurant or establishment inside the Entertainment District that does not sell alcohol, has the right to bar those beverages from their premises and refuse service if necessary.

There will be trash cans stationed in various places for people to dispose of their plastic cups before entering a restaurant or any shop that does not allow alcohol.

After hearing from Doss the Council voted unanimously to approve the ordinance without a second read.