Lavonia Citizens Get First Look at Park Plans

Lavonia citizens had a chance this week to view the proposed improvements to two of their city parks this week and the response was favorable.

Blake Sanders, owner of Studio Main in Greenville has been working on renovation plans for each of the town’s five city parks.

Monday night Sanders took his proposed designs for Spring St. Park to the park for citizens in the neighborhood to view.

Sanders had drawn up two proposals, one that would keep the current gym and renovate it and that would remove the gym.

He said the majority of citizens who came to the drop in public comment want to keep the gym.

Tuesday evening, Sanders took his plans to Lavonia City Park behind City Hall where all five plans were laid out in one of the park pavilions.

As people viewed the plans, they were also able to look at a composite of photos listing different options such as pickleball courts, a nature-based play area, or a wildlife area, and place sticker dots under the photos of ideas they liked the best.

Additions to City Park that people seemed to like most included the amphitheater and pickleball courts.

The next step, he said, will be to revise the plans and present them to the Mayor and City Council.

Mayor Courtney Umbehant said it is hoped these plans and upgrades will serve as the basis for future improvements.

Sanders said he plans to have more such drop-in events at the other three parks, which include the Lavonia Ballfields, Old City Park, and the Gazebo Park downtown.