Kentucky Man Walking Across America to Spread the Gospel Makes Stop in Lavonia

Gregory Jones says he’s on a cross country mission to spread the Gospel

A Kentucky man is on a mission to spread the Gospel across the U.S. and he’s doing it on foot.

Gregory Jones says he plans to walk to California and share the Gospel with anyone he meets along the way.

“I’m walking through to California. I’m heading west from here and I’m sharing the Word of God along the way; just kind of planting seeds and doing missionary work. We have missionaries in other countries but I haven’t seen out many doing the footwork here in this country where we need it most,” Jones said.

Jones said he worked as a chef at Kingland Racetrack in Lexington, Kentucky and was saved at Northside Christian Church in Georgetown, Kentucky and said he started his journey across the country after a devastating personal loss.

“I lost my mom, dad, and grandma in the same year,” he explained. “So, instead of sitting around being depressed I said, ‘I’m just going to drop everything and I’m going to get out here, put it all in the Lord’s hands, and go out to try and make a difference in the world.”

Jones said he makes enough money doing odd jobs to stay in hotels every night.

“The Lord provides for me. It’s amazing. I use my Wyndham or Choice Hotel rewards. I build up points. Sometimes I get free nights or I get discounts,” he said.

And while in this day and age of scams and con artists, it’s easy to be skeptical of someone like Jones, especially if they say they’re spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But Jones said he’s not asking for handouts, just day work to help get him from town to town.

“What I do to support myself is I stop along the way and find work. I rake leaves, do construction or whatever is needed I’ll get up and do it. I’ve met so many nice people along the way. People give me work or are willing to help me find work. It’s just a blessing,” he said.

Jones said since beginning his walk in the fall, he’s been well received in every town he’s traveled through and most people have been receptive to his Gospel message and helped him find work.

He tells WLHR News he is keeping a journal and once he reaches California he plans to write a book about his experiences, then head back to Kentucky on foot through the upper part of the country.

But he said he will keep walking until the Lord tells him to stop.