Historical Musical Comedy Opens This Weekend

If you enjoy American History, then you might enjoy the historical musical comedy 1776.  The play takes place in the Summer of 1776 when the American colonists are preparing to declare their Independence from the British.  Andrea Bradford is the President of the Savannah River Productions, the local non-profit organization putting on the musical comedy.  Bradford says the cast comprises of 25 men and two women and features several local names you’re likely to recognize.  Names such as “David Aldrich,” the Hartwell City Manager.  Bradford said, “He plays one of the delegates from Pennsylvania.  One of his cohorts, another delegate from Pennsylvania is Rob Leverette, who’s the city attorney.  Terry Shugart owns several McDonald’s in this area.  He’s playing Thomason, which is the secretary for the Congress.  Bill Griggs is playing John Hancock, and then our main character is Glenn Segars, who is from Athens, Georgia.  And he is playing John Adams.  As well as Seth Howard, who is the high school drama teacher here at Hart County.”

Bradford adds Savannah River Productions was looking for a historical play.  She says not only does 1776 focus on history, but it’s also hilarious.  Bradford said, “There’s just really a lot of good music, a lot of fun, and it’s funny.  It’s funny to see our forefathers fighting with each other with canes, and some of the humor that’s there.  It just really brings these guys to life.”

1776 opens Saturday night at seven at the Morton Theatre in Athens with a Sunday Matinee at 3pm.  Then the play moves to the Lonnie Burns Fine Arts Center at Hart County High School.  The Hartwell Show Dates at times are Saturday, April 13th at seven p-m and Sunday, April 14th at 3 p-m.  For ticket information call 706-376-7397 or visit www.savannahriverproductions.org.