Hart County Woman Says Cognitively Challenged Son Kidnapped and Taken to Atlanta

A Hart County woman says her 25-year old son was kidnapped by people from Atlanta that he met on the Internet.

Brenda Anderson of Vickery St. Extension in Hartwell told the Hart County Sheriff’s office her son is cognitively challenged with the mindset of a 12-year old.

According to the incident report, Anderson told Sheriff’s investigators her son began chatting with people several weeks ago he met on the Internet .

She said that on June 29th while she was out, those people allegedly drove up from Cobb County, picked up her son and took him back to Marietta.

Anderson said she has spoken several times with a woman identified only as Courtney who told her her son does not want to come home.

However, she said her son contacted her on his cell phone and said he did want to come home.  She said the battery on his cell phone then ran down and she was no longer able to contact him.

Anderson said in phone conversations with Courtney, she refused to give the address where her son is staying.

Anderson turned Courtney’s phone number over to Hart County Sheriff’s investigators. Sheriff Mike Cleveland said his investigator contacted Courtney and told her she faces possible kidnapping charges if she does not return Anderson’s son, but Courtney, refused.

However, later the incident report said Courtney told Anderson she would take her son to the local police station in Marietta.

As of Tuesday, Cleveland said he has not heard back from Anderson as to whether her son has been returned to her.