Hart County High School Announces STAR Student and Teacher for 2023-2024

The Hart County Charter System has announced its 2023-2024 Professional
Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) Student for Hart County High School.

She is senior Isabella Chitwood, and her STAR Teacher is Dr. Michael Edwards.

The PAGE STAR program honors Georgia’s highest-achieving high school seniors and the
teachers who have been most instrumental in their academic development.

Isabella selected Dr. Michael Edwards as her STAR Teacher.

She previously participated in his AP World History course and his dual-enrollment U.S. History course.

In a press release, Isabella said she chose Dr. Edwards because he is a good all-around teacher, helping students with college applications, study skills, and life skills.

To obtain the STAR nomination, high school students must have the highest score on any
single test date of the SAT taken through the November test date of their senior year and be in
the top-10 percent or top-10 students of their class based on grade point average.

Additionally, Nominee’s SAT scores must be equal to or higher than the 2023 national average scores on the Evidence-Based Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the SAT.

Isabella said she was surprised and excited to learn that she was this year’s STAR Student for the school system.

To prepare for the SAT, she utilized a study tool known as Khan Academy, which she also used to study for AP classes.

After graduation this spring, Isabella plans to attend the University of Georgia to study

She also hopes to attend law school after earning her undergraduate degree.

In addition to being the system’s STAR Student, Isabella is also a member of the Anchor Club, Key Club, Interact Club, Technology Student Association (TSA), and National Honor Society, as well as a member of the cheerleading team.

She even formed a UNICEF Club at the high school this year.

Dr. Edwards said Isabella’s work ethic and her willingness to go above and beyond outside of the classroom are what sets her apart academically.

High school STAR Students compete for system titles; and System STAR Students in turn
compete for region-wide honors in the 12 STAR Regions.

Region Winners compete for state PAGE STAR scholarships and awards.

High school STAR Students are asked to name their STAR Teachers, who continue with their STAR Students at every level of the program.

For more information about the PAGE STAR program, visit www.pageinc.org.