Hart County Community Theatre First to Receive $500K Multi-Year Grant from Fox Theatre

Starting July 1, the Fox Theatre will introduce a new multiyear grant program to further foster economic and community development through arts and culture.

On Wednesday, they announced that the Hart County Community Theatre in Hartwell is the first recipient of a Fox Gives Multi-Year grant in the amount of $500,000 to aid in the restoration of their century-old venue.

The grant will build on a previous emergency grant of $23,000 awarded to the theatre company in the 2022/2023 fiscal year.

The new multi-year grant is designed to support a single organization over a two-to-four-year period.

With a history of contributing $3.2 million to historic theaters across the Southeast through its single-year grant program, the new initiative represents a deepening of the Fox’s commitment, pledging up to $500,000 per recipient to make a more lasting impact.

Additionally, to support students’ educational aspirations, the program will award a $5,000 college scholarship to a deserving student from the grantee community after the 2024/2025 academic year.

The new multi-year grant is part of the Fox Theatre’s new expanded community partnerships program, Fox Gives.

By more than doubling its financial investment, Fox Gives aims to restore historic theatres and offer new vocational opportunities for young individuals passionate about the arts.

Programs included in Fox Gives include Fox in a Box, a virtual interactive elementary school program.

The All-Access Pass program is designed to open doors for high school students interested in the arts, offering them a complementary behind-the-scenes look at the many careers in the entertainment field.

And the Single-Year Grant Program continues to support the arts through historic preservation and restoration with an annual budget of $500,000.