Hart County BOE Achieves 2023 GSBA Exemplary School Board Status

From left to right, are Vice Chair Lonnie Robinson, District 2 Representative Henley Cleary, Chair Kim Pierce, District 4 Representative Richard Sutherland, and District 5 Representative Dennis Dowell.

The Hart County Charter System has received a prestigious recognition from the Georgia School Boards Association, naming their School Board a 2023 Exemplary School Board.

The GSBA Board recognition program is a three-tiered program.

Level 1 is the Quality Board of Education, Level II is Distinguished and the highest level and Level III is Exemplary Board of Education.

To be recognized at any of these levels, the Boards of Education must adopt a Strategic Plan and implement it.

To be recognized as an Exemplary Board the Board of Education must also have and utilize a balanced scorecard or accountability system, provide the Association with a copy of both its school system’s strategic plan, balanced scorecard or accountability system, a provide a board meeting agenda that shows the governance team is monitoring the plan and its outcomes at least annually.

The recognition means the Hart County Board of Education has met and/or exceeded the Level III criteria.

“We are extremely fortunate to have involved, student-focused Board members,”
Superintendent Jennifer Carter said. “The time invested in the work and the consistent
effort placed on collaboration is noticed and appreciated. Congratulations to our Board
members on maintaining and upholding exemplary standards.”

The GSBA Governance Team Recognition Program was developed by Georgia superintendents and board members based on the state board of education’s standards for effective governance to recognize exemplary leadership.

In 1998, the Georgia School Boards Association was one of the first school board associations in the nation to develop a program of standards for local boards of education.

For more information on the program you may visit the GSBA website for awards and recognition or to view the criteria for all tiers of the program.