Hart County BOC and Hartwell City Agree to Have TSPLOST Referendum Ready for November, 2025

In Hart County, the Hartwell City Council and Board of Commissioners will wait another year before putting a TSPLOST referendum on the ballot.

At a recent joint meeting with Hart County Commissioners, the Council pushed for the referendum to be on the November 2025 ballot instead of this year.

Commission Chair Marshal Sayer tells WLHR News at this late date there’s not enough time to meet all of the deadlines required by the State to get a TSPLOST referendum drawn up and put on this year’s November ballot.

At the June Hart County BOC meeting, before the County met with the Hartwell City Council, Commissioner Jeff Brown motioned to begin the process of putting the referendum on this year’s November ballot.

At the time Brown noted the Board had been talking about having a TSPLOST on the ballot for over a year and it was time to start the ball rolling.

Commissioner Joey Dorsey however said there were litigation issues that first had to be discussed before Brown’s motion could be voted on and those took place in executive session.

After coming out of the Executive Session in their June meeting, the Board voted to authorize County Administrator Terrell Partain to begin working on engineering studies and other areas required before the referendum can be voted on by citizens.

At the Board of Commission meeting last week Commissioner Joey Dorsey objected to a June 18 report in the Hartwell Sun newspaper that said TSPLOST was on hold for another year.

While the Board did not vote for the delay at the Hartwell City Council joint session, they did agree to work towards putting TSPLOST on the November 2025 ballot, according to the July 18 edition of the Hartwell Sun.