Hart Co Commissioner Reminds Voters to Render Decision on SPLOST VI

Hart County Commissioner Joey Dorsey wants to remind voters that in addition to the municipal elections, voters are also being asked to decide whether to pass the next Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

Dorsey said he wants to make sure citizens in both the municipalities and the counties know that the SPLOST VI referendum will be on the ballot.

The penny sales tax, if passed, will fund a number of important county projects over the next six years.

One of the biggest projects will be paying for the new county jail as well as other big expenses under Safety.

The penny sales tax, if approved by voters, is expected to generate $36-million dollars for capital improvement projects in the county and municipalities.

SPLOST VI will allocate $ 23.6 million for county services which include $12-million for public safety, $4-million for fire services, $4.647-million for drinking water expansion, $2.5-million for economic development, and $500,000 for recreation projects.

SPLOST VI revenue will be divided between the County and its municipalities.

Under the division approved by the Board of Commissioners in July, the City of Hartwell will receive $5.19-million, Bowersville will receive $371,200, the City of Royston will receive $716,000 and the City of Canon will receive $7,400.

Early/Advance voting ends this Friday and there is no early voting this Saturday.

The General Election takes place next Tuesday, November 7.