Hart Co. Commissioner Calls For Proper Training on Sunshine Law

A Hart County Commissioner is calling on all committees and groups in the county to be properly trained and versed in the Georgia Sunshine Law.

At their meeting earlier this month, Commissioner Joey Dorsey commended said it’s important members of boards and committees know the State law regarding what is public information and what is not.

”I want to make sure that boards and authorities under this board are properly trained to know the responsibilities and requirements of the meetings laws. This is a serious matter.…… .They should have annual  training for these boards and authorities so that they clearly understand their roles and responsibilities  in compliance with Georgia law,” Dorsey said.

Dorsey’s comments in the wake of an investigation by the State Attorney General’s office into how the Hartwell Downtown Development Authority board conducts its meetings.

A complaint had been filed by former Hartwell Downtown Development Authority Executive Director Mitch Skelton after he was terminated from the DDA in mid-November.

In his complaint, Skelton  has released copies of emails and letters from the DDA board outlining their plan to fire him in a closed session and immediately appoint another board member, Henley Cleary as his replacement, in violation of the Georgia Sunshine Law.

Dorsey said he also has not had any cooperation from the Hartwell DDA.

“I submitted that open records request to the DDA. Three days they have to respond. Today is the fourth day. I have yet to hear a response.”

Dorsey asked the board discuss the matter again in their January meeting.