Hart BOC to Discuss Animal Control Tonight

Hart County’s board of commissioners will get an update on its efforts to institute  countywide animal control when it meets this evening for its first regular meeting of the month.

Last month, commissioner Brandon Johnson told the board he met with Sheriff Mike Cleveland to discuss the matter. Johnson said, however, his talks with Cleveland were positive, but there were some details yet to be ironed out.

Johnson said he also spoke to Hartwell City manager David Aldrich and suggested talks with the city and the Sheriff be set up.

Hart County  has been working to comply with a State law that requires all municipalities and counties to have animal control.

The board of commissioners had tried to add the duties of animal control to the county’s code enforcement officer , but that plan fell through.

Additionally, talks last fall with the City of Hartwell to share an animal control officer also never resulted any sort of agreement.

But at their second short board meeting in April, county administrator Jon Caime told the board meetings with the Sheriff and the City are ongoing and have been productive.

In other business tonight, the board will hear from the Chestatee RC&D council in a special presentation and discuss repairs to the Health Department building.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30p at the Hart County Commission office in Hartwell.