Franklin County Sheriff Steve Thomas has announced he is retiring. Thomas sent the following to WLHR News Wednesday:

“I want to express my sincere gratitude to the citizens of Franklin County.
For 44 years, I’ve been blessed to have a career in Law Enforcement. I have had the pleasure of being your Sheriff, for 20 of those years.

Something that is very important to me, is our youth in Franklin County. I have worked tirelessly to ensure that our children feel safe and are protected at the schools with our School Resources Officers.

Also, we have had the Junior Deputy program during the summer for the children to learn about safety, the dangers of drugs, and how law enforcement conducts their daily tasks. We were asked to bring our program to the National Sheriff Association in Grand Rapids, Michigan; this year and to the National Sheriff’s youth program committee. They loved it and plan to use it in their program.

After a great deal of prayers and conversations with my family, I have made a difficult decision regarding the 2024 election. I will not be a candidate in the 2024 election.

Knowing that I will be leaving the Sheriff’s Office, having spent every day giving it my absolute best is a bittersweet feeling! Even though I never spent an entire day in my office, I will miss it greatly.

I want to thank my wife-Tina, daughter-Desiree’, granddaughter-Taliya, and the grandboys for their love and support. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to do as much for you as I have been. They have always been my biggest source of inspiration in this crazy world.

To my former and current employees of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, I want to say Thank you for your dedication to the citizens of Franklin County. I am blessed to have worked alongside you for these 44 years.

My career has been filled with many exciting adventures, but I have also experienced heartache during my 5 terms as Sheriff. Tina and I have experienced the loss of a son and another deputy during my watch as Your Sheriff. Believe me when I say, they will never be forgotten.

Thank you to the citizens for your trust and support. I truly care about each and every one of you. Many of you have become family to me. I will always be a phone call away if you need me.

Although this part of my career may be coming to an end, I can assure you that this will not be the final chapter of my career.”

Thank you
Sheriff Stevie D.Thomas