Franklin County HS Announces STAR Student, Teacher

Franklin County High School has announced their STAR Student and STAR Teacher for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Franklin County High School Principal Matt Stowers said Monday the STAR Student is Helena Burton.

Burton has chosen healthcare science teacher Tammy Melton as her STAR Teacher.

The Student Teacher Achievement Recognition or STAR Student honor is awarded to the high school senior from each Georgia public and private high school with the highest score on any single test date of the SAT and who also ranks in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of his or her class based on grade point average.

Once named, the honored STAR student is then invited to select their favorite teacher to be named the school’s STAR Teacher.

STAR Teachers are those who have made the most significant contribution to the STAR Student’s scholastic development.

Both Burton and Melton will be recognized at the Honors Breakfast in March.