Franklin County Asking Water Customers to Curb Water Usage Due to Drought


Franklin County Water customers are being asked to conserve water due to the hot weather and drought.

According to the US Drought Monitor, as of July 12 our part of Georgia is in Moderate Drought conditions.

Franklin County water customers are being asked to cut back on lawn watering, pool fill-ups, washing your car, etc. through August 31.

The US Drought Monitor says the month of June was the 8th driest in Franklin County in the past 130 years and was over 2 inches below normal rainfall.

Thankfully beginning today we are expecting some rain every day through Wednesday of next week according to the National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg.

There’s a 50 to 70% chance of rain every day through next Wednesday.

Highs today are expected to reach around 92 with a heat index that will make it feel more like 102 and but even if it rains, NOAA says we can expect less than a 10th of an inch of rainfall today.

But it likely will not be enough to pull us out of drought status.