Franklin Co Middle School TSA Chapter to Compete in State Event

Fr. Co. Middle School's TSA chapter built these benches for the City of Carnesville

Fr. Co. Middle School’s TSA chapter built these benches for the City of Carnesville

The Franklin County Middle School chapter of the Technology Student Association will be on their way to the state technology competition later this month and they once again have a great chance of taking home the blue ribbon.

TSA members will be competing once again in the TSA Construction Challenge in Athens on March 21st.

This year’s project which they plan to enter into the competition, according to their instructor David Phillips are a set of benches the students designed for the City of Carnesville.

“We’ve always done a project either with one of the cities, or Victoria Bryant State Park, Phillips said. “The last couple of years, we’ve done projects for the City of Carnesville. We’ve done a bridge for the park, picnic shelters, and picnic tables. This bench project will put benches in Carnesville around the downtown area.”

Since the introduction of the TSA Construction Challenge contest in 1999, Phillips said the FCMS TSA chapter has won 13 state championships in the Construction Challenge contest, and he expects they will win again this year, despite the stiff competition from across the state.

“There will be close to 3,000 kids from middle and high school competing,” he said. “In the middle school, there will be 35-36 contests in a 48-hour period. It’s a hectic time to say the least, but our students always do real good there.”

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses, TSA’s membership includes over 200,000 middle and high school students in approximately 2,000 schools spanning 49 states