Franklin Co IBA to Begin Work on Strategic Plan

The Franklin County Industrial Building Authority is looking to develop a strategic plan designed to carry the County’s economic goals well into the future.

At their meeting Wednesday, Board members heard from Economic Development Consultant Rope Roberts who spoke about how to go about creating such a plan.

Roberts said his proposal would cover a two-year plan giving IBA Executive Director Tonya Powers a direction and implementation plan for the next 12 months.

From there Roberts said he would want to hear from the Board regarding what they would like to include in the strategic plan.

Roberts noted that in Franklin County most of the future industrial development would likely be along the I-85 corridor.

Part of the strategic development plan Roberts said would include first doing an existing industry study and a survey of the County’s infrastructure.

Speaking by phone from South Korea, IBA Executive Director Tonya Powers said the two questions industries looking at Franklin County typically ask are whether the County has a suitable site and if it has infrastructure.

She added that Franklin County is often eliminated from a company’s search because of a lack of infrastructure.

Additionally, Roberts said the existing industry study would also include the hourly wages of county workers compared to other counties.

The process of developing a strategic plan, Roberts said should also include the IBA meeting with other county leadership, such as the Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners, and begin working with them on the strategic plan. He added that the plan should include community input via the Comprehensive Plan that is currently being developed.

After hearing from Roberts, IBA Chair Lee Moore said he would reach out to the Boards of Education and Commissioners to set up a time for the IBA to meet with them within the next week or so to get started on the strategic plan.