Franklin Co IBA Nails Down New Monthly Meeting Date

The Franklin County Industrial Building Authority has set a permanent day and time for their monthly meetings.

At their regular Board meeting earlier this month, IBA Chair Lee Moore asked for opinions from Board members noting choosing a specific day and time needs to be what’s best for all members.

One suggestion was to give Board members and citizens the option of attending the meetings via Zoom.

IBA Executive Director Tonya Powers said they used Zoom in 2020 during COVID but IBA attorney Andrea Grant said she did not believe it was an appropriate venue for IBA meetings now.

Other concerns were raised regarding using Zoom such as hackers putting in pornography and other disruptions, which happened with Zoom meetings used by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners.

The BOC still uses Zoom but has found a way to avoid hackers.

They are also in the process of making improvements to their in-house audio/visual equipment for those who attend meetings in person.

Others noted that not many citizens attend IBA meetings and Zoom might not be worth the trouble.

After more discussion, the IBA members were split on whether to use Zoom.

Ultimately, Moore recommended they hold monthly meetings on the first Wednesday morning of the month at 8:30a. and to include Zoom or some other type of virtual method for the public and members to use.

IBA Executive Director Tonya Powers noted all meeting notices, agendas and minutes are posted on the IBA website.

Moore added a meeting date and time will only be changed if there is a matter that needs immedate attention or a vote.

Meetings take place at the Community Center in Carnesville and are open to the public.