Franklin Co Commissioners Hear Proposed Changes to Residential Section of UDC

The Franklin County Board of Commission plans to vote soon on changes made to the Residential section of the Unified Development Code which was adopted August 1 2022.

At their work session Tuesday evening, Commission Chair Jeff Jacques outlined three major changes to the Residential section.

Jacques said after months of work and research on the residential section by himself and Commissioner Elizabeth Busby, the changes were then submitted to Commissioners for review, then to the County attorney Bubba Samuels, Jerry Weitz who helped develop the UDC, and Planning and Zoning Director Robert Ogburn for their review.

The first two proposed changes to the UDC Residential section, Jacques said, have to do with lakefront property and residential suburban subdivisions.

Jacques added another change for residential suburban subdivisions is the addition of a proximity requirement, which would mandate that new subdivisions be placed within a half-mile of municipal city limits, keeping suburban growth closer to the County’s five municipalities thus helping to preserve agricultural properties.

Probably the biggest change to the UDC Residential Section has to do with multi-family residences such as townhome and apartment complexes.

Tuesday evening, Jacques proposed that the section be eliminated entirely from the UDC.

One reason, he explained, is the way the current ordinance regarding multi-family properties is written.

Another reason, Jaques said, is that apartment and townhome complexes require sewer and there are only two places in the County where there is sewer available but he said it’s not for multi-family apartment complexes.

Additionally, Jacques cited the number of units in a multi-level apartment complex would put a strain on the County’s volunteer fire departments should they be called out to a fire in one or more of those units.

After going over the Residential changes to the UDC, Jacques asked for input from Commissioners and staff, all of whom said they agreed with the proposed changes after having reviewed them.

Jacques then asked the Board to plan on voting on the changes at the earliest possible time.

Commissioners will meet next Monday for their regular meeting but it’s not known yet if that vote will be on the agenda.