Franklin Co Board of Elections Looking for Up to 40 Poll Workers for 2024 Election Cycle

The Franklin County Board of Elections held their first meeting of the year last Thursday and according to Elections Board Chairperson Cindy Banks, they are expecting record numbers at the polls this year, particularly in the May and November elections.

That’s why the Board is looking for extra poll workers, according to Elections Supervisor Tracie Creason.

Creason said she would also like to have an extra person to go to the precincts on Election Day to make sure everything is running smoothly or to help if there are any problems.

Additionally, on Election night the Board is expecting bigger crowds to gather at the Eleciton office to watch the votes being counted both in May and in November.

At their meeting, the Board discussed finding extra space on election nights for candidates and people to gather where video screens can be put up so voters can watch the election results come in via live streaming.

Some of the venues discussed included the Franklin County Courthouse, the old Carnesville Elementary School, and the Justice Center. However, no decision has been made yet.

Additionally, Creason said that on Election Night at the newly renovated Board of Elections office, there will be new video screens in the lobby for people to view the room where the votes are being tallied.

Again, if you are interested in being a poll worker for the 2024 elections you can contact Creason at 706-384-4390.