Franklin BOC to Meet This Evening for First Meeting of New Year

It’s the first regular meeting of the new year for the Franklin County Board of Commissioners this evening.

On the agenda, Commissioners are expected to get a progress report and possibly a recommendation from County Clerk Kandy Bond on her efforts to find a service that improves the audio/video service for citizens who attend meetings in person and virtually.

In September, Commission Chairman Jeff Jacques asked for citizens to give their input on how it can be improved both for those who attend the meetings in person and for those who watch virtually.

Jacques tells WLHR News he routinely receives complaints from those who attend the meetings in person.

Additionally, there have been problems with using Zoom for citizens to watch the Commission meetings virtually.

The Commission appointed Bond to research what’s available and they hope to get an update this evening.

In other business this evening the Board is expected to make appointments for County Clerk and County Attorney and approve a resolution to set qualifying fees for this year’s elections.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30p with a public hearing on planning & zoning requests followed by the regular meeting at 6p.

To view the meeting on Zoom you can get that information on the Franklin County Government FB page.