Franklin BOC Formally Commits to Seeking Millage Equalizaton

Franklin County Commissioners have committed to finding a way to equalize the millage rate for both city and unincorporated residents.

County Commission Chair Jeff Jacques made the announcement at the end of the Board of Commissioners meeting Monday night.

Lavonia Mayor Courtney Umbehant brought a resolution before the Board at their work session last month that was approved by all five municipal city councils asking the Commission to begin work on equalizing the millage for every property owner in the County.

The resolution sparked heated dialogue between local citizens attending the work session, Umbehant and Franklin County Tax Commissioner Bobby Martin who called the resolution unprofessional and suggested the idea of an equalization of the millage rate should not have been discussed in an open meeting.

After the presentation at last month’s work session, most of the Commissioners said they were willing to look further into if and how to equalize the millage rate for all citizens moving forward.

After the announcement Monday, Umbehant said he was pleased with the Board’s decision.

No timeline for those discussions has been announced.

WLHR News will continue to follow this story and bring you updates as information becomes available.