Federal Trade Commission to Issue Refunds to LifeLock Members

If you have used LifeLock to protect your identity, you might be getting some money back.

On Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission announced it will begin sending refund checks totaling more than $31 million as part of a previously announced settlement with LifeLock, Inc.,

The refunds stem from a 2015 settlement LifeLock reached with the FTC, which alleged that from 2012 to 2014 LifeLock violated an FTC order that required the company to secure consumers’ personal information and prohibited it from deceptive advertising.

The FTC alleged, among other things, that LifeLock failed to establish and maintain a comprehensive information security program to protect users’ sensitive personal information, falsely advertised that it protected consumers’ sensitive data with the same high-level safeguards used by financial institutions.

The Company also falsely claimed it provided 24/7/365 alerts “as soon as” it received any indication a consumer’s identity was being used.

Under the terms of the FTC’s 2015 settlement with the company, LifeLock agreed to pay $100 million—$68 million of which was set aside to provide refunds to consumers who were part of a class action lawsuit that made similar allegations.

The settlement also stipulated that any money not received by consumers in the class action settlement or through settlements between LifeLock and state attorneys general would go to the FTC to provide consumer refunds.

Consumers not included in the class action suit can expect to receive about $29 within 60 days.

Consumers who have questions about the refunds should contact the FTC’s refund administrator, Rust Consulting, Inc., at 1-866-898-5106. To learn more about the FTC’s refund programs, visit www.ftc.gov/refunds.