Events Planned in Royston for Georgia Cities Week

Next week is Georgia Cities Week and Royston City Officials announced the city will be celebrating “Georgia Cities Week” on April 24-28.

Sponsored by the Georgia Municipal Association, Georgia Cities Week is a time for all municipalities to showcase and celebrate the many services they provide.

In Royston, City officials are working with the Royston Downtown Development Authority to coordinate a number of events, according to DDA Executive Director Michael Crump.

This is the fifth year Royston has celebrated Georgia Cities Week and events next week are designed to be fun and informative.

The fun part is a contest on Facebook.

“We launched a new activity last year where we posted a location on Facebook and the first person who found the location and took a selfie won a gift certificate to one of our local restaurants,” he said. “And it was so successful that we are doing that again this year beginning next Monday morning.”

The theme of this year’s Georgia Cities Week is “Lighting the Way” and in keeping with that, the City will also hold to community events.

The first Crump said will be a Merchants Forum for local businesses.

“Tuesday evening from 5p to 7p, the City and DDA will host a Merchants Forum at the Depot. And it’s a time for our merchants to come together in a comfortable after-hours setting to discuss things going on in their business and how we can work together to help promote their businesses,” Crump explained.

A second event is for the entire citizenry of Royston and that will be a Community Input Session on Thursday, April 27 from 5p to 7p.

“That will be at the Depot and it will be facilitated by our regional representative from the Department of Community Affairs,” he explained. “And there are several things that were identified at our last community work session that we want to focus on. One is the blighted properties in the City, the vacant buildings in the downtown area, and buildings being used for storage.”

A final event will be a coloring contest for fifth-grade students at Royston Elementary School.

Students will be given copies of this year’s theme, Lighting the Way to color and the winner will receive a prize.

Royston Mayor Keith Turman tells WLHR News they are very proud of their city and the services it provides which make it attractive to residents and visitors.

Going into its 24th year, Georgia Cities Week is also an opportunity to celebrate community achievements and recognize volunteers and city employees.

Last year, more than 160 cities participated statewide.