Emmanuel University Celebrates Dedication of Stanley Chapel

The Swails Center at Emmanuel University now has a new look and a new name.

Thursday morning, faculty, students, staff, school administrators, and others gathered for a dedication service at the newly renovated facility that is now called the Charles Stanley Chapel.

Before his death, the Rev. Dr. Charles Stanley, best known worldwide for his In Touch Ministries, along with the In Touch Board, donated the money for the chapel’s renovation.

In his opening remarks, Emmanuel Executive Vice President Brian James recalled the history of the building which was built in the ‘70s and used for a time as a clock factory.

Emmanuel University President Greg Hearn thanked the In Touch Ministry Board and Dr. Stanley for their generous gift that helped pay for the renovation of the Swails Center.

Hearn said Dr. Stanley and the In Touch Ministries Board donated $1.2 million for the renovation of what is now the Stanley Chapel.

He also thanked members of the Chamber and other local officials for their attendance as well but said sadly he was not able to personally thank one very special person.

One might wonder why such a famous Southern Baptist minister as Dr. Charles Stanley would want to donate to a Pentecostal Holiness-run university.

Speaking on behalf of the late Rev. Stanley, In Touch Ministries CEO Phillip Bowen noted that Dr. Stanley had his roots in the Pentecostal Holiness Denomination even though for most of his ministerial life he served in the Southern Baptist Convention.

In Touch Ministries currently broadcasts on over 4,000 TV, radio, and satellite networks worldwide. It is translated into 127 languages and reaches more than 115 million homes domestically.

After the ceremony, a ribbon cutting was held to officially open the Stanely Chapel in the Swails Center.